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Route Direction Arrows

In this guide you will learn how to render arrows on the route, indicating the direction of travel, and also set their color. RoutingService is used to compute a route and NavigationService to start a real or simulated navigation on that route, with the route direction arrows layer activated. The Route Direction Arrows layer must be added to the map style used for rendering the map.

Travel direction arrows on route

Route Direction Arrows example

First, get an API key token, see the Getting Started guide.

Qt should be installed to continue.

The Maps SDK for Qt should be installed, see the Setup Maps SDK for Qt guide.


Route Direction Arrows example

How it works

In Qt, go to the File menu and select Open File or Project…

then browse to the RouteDirectionArrows example folder and open

You may want to have a look at Setting your API Key to see how to open and configure a project and set your API Key.

Route Direction Arrows

Adding the Route Direction Arrows layer to a map style:

1) Go to the Styles tab in the online studio:

  1. Select your style or create a new one and then under Available Layers filter by arrow;

  2. Drag the Route Direction Arrows layer from Available Layers to Selected Layers in the Road arrows section;

  3. Click on it in the list, to set its Inner Color and Border Color in the Style tab on the right;

  4. Name the style in the upper left by clicking on its current name, such as Basic 1, and then typing the new name, such as Route Arrows;

  5. Click on Settings in the upper right and in the Resolution drop-down select Mobile then click Save;

  6. Click the left arrow in the upper left corner to go back to the list of styles;

  7. Click the 3 dots to the right of your style and select Download Style;

Routing service

A RoutingService is defined to compute and render a route on the map.

1RoutingService {
2  id: routingService
3  type: Route.Type.Fastest
4  transportMode: Route.TransportMode.Car

Route waypoints

A route is defined by 2 or more waypoints, where the first one is the departure position, and the last one is the destination, in the order in which they were added. There can be zero or more intermediate waypoints, through which the route must pass in the order in which they were added to the list of waypoints from which the route is calculated. Each waypoint has an optional name, and a latitude and longitude coordinate in degrees.

 1waypoints: LandmarkList {
 2   Landmark {
 3       name: "start"
 4       coordinates: Coordinates {
 5           latitude: 48.52564
 6           longitude: 7.73589
 7       }
 8   }
 9   Landmark {
10       name: "waypoint1"
11       coordinates: Coordinates {
12           latitude: 48.52568
13           longitude: 7.73546
14       }
15   }
17   // . . .
19   Landmark {
20       name: "stop"
21       coordinates: Coordinates {
22           latitude: 48.52542
23           longitude: 7.73470
24       }
25   }

Activating Route Direction Arrows

Route Direction Arrows example

A RouteRenderSettings object is created, and the renderOptions member is set to active the route direction arrows using the enum value RouteRenderSettings.ShowDirectionArrows; Optionally, the direction arrows inner and outer color can be set dynamically to something other than defined in the map style, as shown. The NavigationService is then used to simulate navigation, as usual.

1onFinished: {
2  let myrouteRenderSettings = ServicesManager.createRouteRenderSettings();
3  myrouteRenderSettings.renderOptions = RouteRenderSettings.ShowDirectionArrows;
4  myrouteRenderSettings.directionArrowInnerColor = Qt.rgba(1,0,1,1);
5  myrouteRenderSettings.directionArrowOuterColor = Qt.rgba(0,1,1,1);
6  mapView.routeCollection.set(routeList);
7  mapView.routeCollection.setRouteRenderSettings(0,myrouteRenderSettings);
8  mapView.centerOnRouteList(routeList);

Note that in this case, the map style is set by path, and it is located in the mapstyles directory within the folder of this example. In order for it to be found as shown, the .style map style file must be listed in the qml.qrc file as follows:

2   <qresource prefix="/">
3       <file>main.qml</file>
4       <file>mapstyles/</file>
5       <file>mapstyles/</file>
6   </qresource>

After the Route Direction Arrows layer was added to the map style, as described above, the map style is set in the Component.onCompleted: block, after the example is loaded and the sdk is initialized.

Route Direction Arrows example

The Compute route button calculates the route and renders it on the map:

 1Button {
 2   text: "Compute route(s)"
 3   enabled: ServicesManager.settings.connected && !
 4   background: Rectangle {
 5       opacity: parent.hovered ? 1 : 0.5
 6       color: enabled ? parent.down ? "#aa00aa" :
 7                                      (parent.hovered ? "#0000ff" : "#2000ff") : "#aaaaaa"
 8   }
 9   palette { buttonText: "#ffffff"; }
10   onClicked: {
11       routingService.update();
12       mapView.stylePath = "qrc:/mapstyles/";
13   }

There is also a button to start/stop the simulated navigation; a button to toggle between the map style with the route direction arrows, and the map style without the Route Direction Arrows layer; and a button to resume following position, if the map was moved manually during navigation.

Following position means that the camera follows the simulated position along the route. Moving the map stops following position, and the position arrow can move off the screen as it keeps traveling along the route.

QML Examples

Maps SDK for Qt Examples can be downloaded or cloned with Git