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Add optimization with a single vehicle and different start and end stops

Add an optimization with a single vehicle with different start and end stops and display the solution on the map.

Add optimization with a single vehicle and different start end stops - stops

Add optimization with a single vehicle and different start end stops - solution

Use case

Create an optimization where the stops are visited using only one vehicle which starts its route at one stop and ends it at another stop.

How to use the sample

First, get an API key token, see the Getting Started guide.

Download the Maps & Navigation SDK for C++ archive file for Linux or Windows

When you run the sample, an optimization will be saved, the solution will be returned and shown on the map.

How it works

  1. Create a vrp::StopList and add the stops to it.

  2. Create a vrp::ConfigurationParameters and set the route type to be RT_SpecifiedEndStops.

  3. Create a vrp::Optimization and set the objects created at 1.) and 2.) to it. Also set the stop from which the vehicle will start its route and the stop where it will end the route.

  4. Create a ProgressListener, vrp::Service and vrp::RouteList, in which the solution will be returned.

  5. Call the addOptimization() method from vrp::Service using the list from 3.), the vrp::Optimization from 2.) and the progress listener.

  6. Once the operation completes, the list from 3.) will contain the solution of the optimization.

To display the stops and route on the map

  1. Create a MapServiceListener, OpenGLContext and MapView.

  2. Create a LandmarkList, CoordinatesList and PolygonGeographicArea.

  3. Instruct the MapView to highlight the LandmarkList from 2.) to print the stops.

  4. Instruct the MapView to center on the PolygonGeographicArea.

  5. Create a MarkerCollection of type Polyline and add the route’s shape to it.

  6. Set the newly created MarkerCollection in the markers collections of the map view preferences.

  7. Allow the application to run until the map view is fully loaded.

C++ Examples

Maps SDK for C++ Examples can be downloaded or cloned with Git