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Environment Setup - Flutter Examples

In this guide you will learn how to setup your environment to run the Flutter examples.

Create your account

First, create your Magic Lane account and get your API key token, see the Getting Started guide.

Install Flutter

Flutter Install

Working directory

Create the path



which will contain the SDK(s) and all your Magic Lane projects.
You can give this path a different name, but to avoid problems, the name should not contain spaces; in this documentation, this path will be referred to as shown.

Download examples

DOWNLOAD the Flutter examples ZIP file (or clone using git) and save it in the MAGICLANE/ directory

Maps SDK Examples for Flutter

after downloading the examples, you will have a file like this:

Download the SDK

DOWNLOAD the Maps SDK for Flutter and save it in the MAGICLANE/ directory

Maps SDK for Flutter

Install 7zip

On Debian/Ubuntu flavors of linux, you can install 7-zip like this:

sudo apt install p7zip-full

DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL 7zip in the default directory, such as:

"C:\Program Files\7-Zip"


Add 7zip to the Path

This step is only for Windows, please skip this step if you are on Linux.

ADD the path where the 7z.exe binary executable is located to the system PATH:

Environment variables - example CPP screenshot

Go to the system Environment variables (click the start button and type env), and select the PATH variable. Click Edit, click New and add the 7z.exe binary path to the PATH environment variable, by pasting for example:

C:\Program Files\7-Zip

then click OK, OK, OK

Verify 7zip install

Start a new COMMAND PROMPT, and now typing


and pressing enter should display the 7-zip options, to verify that 7zip was correctly installed and configured;

Windows note: this will only work in a command prompt started after the PATH environment variable was updated in the above step;

Command prompt in working directory

GO to the MAGICLANE directory:


Extract the examples archive

EXTRACT the Flutter examples archive downloaded above using 7z.exe like this:

7z x

a directory containing the examples will be created:


Extract the SDK

EXTRACT the SDK archive downloaded above using 7z.exe like this: (replace the MAGICLANE*.tar.bz2 filename shown with the actual name of your MAGICLANE*.tar.bz2 file)

tar xvf MAGICLANE-MAPS-SDK-Flutter-*.tar.bz2

note that you can also use 7z on Linux, as shown in the Windows tab;

7z x MAGICLANE-MAPS-SDK-Flutter-*.tar.bz2

a tar archive file is extracted; now extract the tar archive like this:

7z x MAGICLANE-MAPS-SDK-Flutter-*.tar

a directory containing the SDK headers and lib files is created, with a name similar to this:


inside this directory is the Maps SDK for Flutter:


Update gem_kit dependencies

At the terminal command prompt, cd into the gem_kit project directory, where the pubspec.yaml file is located, and update the dependencies:

cd gem_kit

flutter pub get

cd ..

Move the SDK directory

MOVE the gem_kit directory into the plugins subdirectory of an example you wish to run, such as hello_map/plugins/


mv gem_kit ../maps-sdk-examples-for-flutter-master/hello_map/plugins


move gem_kit ..\maps-sdk-examples-for-flutter-master\hello_map\plugins

Build and run

Hello map - example flutter screenshot

Now that Flutter is installed, and you have both the gem_kit and hello_map directories in the maps-sdk-examples-for-flutter-master directory, cd to that directory and run the hello_map example like this:

cd ..\maps-sdk-examples-for-flutter-master

cd hello_map

Note - the gem_kit directory containing the Maps SDK for Flutter should be in the plugins directory of the example, e.g. example_pathname/plugins/gem_kit - see the environment setup guide above. Replace example_pathname with the actual example path name, such as address_search

Download project dependencies:

example flutter upgrade screenshot

flutter upgrade

example flutter clean screenshot

run the following terminal commands in the project directory, where the pubspec.yaml file is located:

flutter clean

example flutter pub get screenshot

flutter pub get

Run the example:

flutter run

Set the API key token

Within the project directory, such as hello_map, go to the lib subdirectory and edit the main.dart source code file. The main() function, where code execution starts, is shown below.

1Future<void> main() async {
2  const String projectApiToken = "YOUR_API_KEY_TOKEN";
3  await GemKit.initialize(appAuthorization: projectApiToken);
4  runApp(const MyApp());

Replace the YOUR_API_KEY_TOKEN string with your actual API key, save the file, and run the example again.

Note - although it is also possible to set your API key token string as an environment variable, instead of setting it in the code as shown, as an environment variable (not shown), the API key is not secure.