Environment Setup - Flutter Examples¶
In this guide you will learn how to set up your environment to run the Flutter examples.
Create Your Account¶
First, create your Magic Lane account and get your API key token. See the Getting Started guide.
Install Flutter¶
Follow the instructions to install Flutter by visiting the official documentation:
Flutter InstallDownload Examples¶
Download the Flutter examples ZIP file or clone the repository using git.
Maps SDK Examples for FlutterAfter downloading the examples, you will have a file like this:
Download the SDK¶
Download the Maps SDK for Flutter:
Maps SDK for FlutterExtract the SDK¶
Unzip the downloaded file and look for the gem_kit folder. This is the Flutter SDK.
Move the SDK Directory¶
Move the gem_kit directory into the plugins subdirectory of the example you wish to run, such as hello_map/plugins.
mv gem_kit ../maps-sdk-examples-for-flutter-master/hello_map/plugins
move gem_kit ..\maps-sdk-examples-for-flutter-master\hello_map\plugins
Build and Run¶
Now that Flutter is installed, and you have moved the gem_kit directory to the plugins directory of the example you want to run, you are ready to build and run the example.
Run the example:
flutter run
Set the API Key Token¶
Within the project directory, such as hello_map, go to the lib subdirectory and edit the main.dart source code file. The main() function, where code execution starts, is shown below.
1Future<void> main() async {
2 const String projectApiToken = "YOUR_API_KEY_TOKEN";
3 await GemKit.initialize(appAuthorization: projectApiToken);
4 runApp(const MyApp());
Replace the YOUR_API_KEY_TOKEN string with your actual API key, save the file, and run the example again.
Although it is also possible to set your API key token string as an environment variable, setting it directly in the code is more secure.