Magic Lane
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Current version: 1.3.1 , View Release Notes

Representational state transfer (REST) - a stateless, reliable web Maps API.

With a unique combination of features, Magic Lane Maps and Navigation SDKs make real what developers have long sought:

  • Global coverage. Up to date OpenStreetMap maps. 3D terrain topography.

  • Easy to use, lightweight, efficient - runs even on Raspberry Pi.

  • First class Turn-by-turn navigation optimized for car, pedestrian and bicycle, with optional voice guidance in many languages, each with both male and female voices.

  • Offline maps available for download. Features such as mapping, searching, routing and turn-by-turn navigation work offline, without an internet connection.

This guide enables you to get quickly started using Magic Lane - Maps REST API to search or compute your first route, and get navigation instructions as well as statistics about your route, such as a topography/terrain profile, or weather conditions.