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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[2.7.0] - 2024-10-17


  • SocialOverlay, SocialReportsOverlayCategory, SocialReportsOverlayInfo, OverlayItemPosition classes

  • checkTrafficAlongRoutes method of Debug

  • RouteListener class

  • routeListener getter and setter of RouteBase

  • LandmarkStoreType enum

  • RoutePathAlgorithmFlavor enum

  • RouteTypePreferences enum


  • alternativesSchema, pedestrianProfile, resultDetails, routeResultType, routeType and routeTypePreferences fields of RoutePreferences are no longer nullable.

  • routeGroupIdsEarlierLater field of RoutePreferences is of type List<int> instead of dynamic

  • routeTypePreferences field of RoutePreferences is of type Set<RouteTypePreferences> instead of int

  • type getter of LandmarkStore returns LandmarkStoreType instead of int

  • release method of GemKit is async


  • preferences getter of GuiddedAddressSearch returns valid object after calling GemKit.release()

[2.6.0] - 2024-10-10


  • MapViewRenderInfo class

  • MotorVehicleProfile class

  • LandmarkStoreListener class

  • fromCoordinates constructor of Path

  • navigationRouteLowRateUpdate getter and setter of MapViewExtension

  • getHighlightGroupItemIndex method of MapViewExtension

  • getCategoryCount, removeAllStoreCategories, getStoreIdAt methods of LandmarkStoreCollection

  • landmarkStores getter of LandmarkStoreService

  • scale method of MapController

  • ViewDataTransitionStatus and ViewDataTransitionStatus enums

  • addListener and removeListener methods of LandmarkStoreService

  • more values to the RoutePathAlgorithm enum


  • latitude and longitude members of Coordinates are no longer nullable

  • topLeft and bottomRight members of RectangleGeographicArea are no longer nullable

  • radius and centerCoordinates members of CircleGeographicArea are no longer nullable

  • OverlayCategory fields no longer nullable

  • onNewPosition method of IGemPositionListener is abstract

  • constructor of GuidedAddressSearchPreferences is private

  • create method of Path has required parameters and replaced format parameter type to PathFileFormat from int

  • setMinimumAllowedZoomLevel and setLowEndCPUOptimizations replaced with setters minimumAllowedZoomLevel and lowEndCPUOptimizations

  • registerViewRenderedCallback of GemMapController callback parameter type from dynamic to MapViewRenderInfo

  • onMapViewRendered callback takes MapViewRenderInfo as argument instead of dynamic

  • getAvailableOverlays method of OverlayService takes callback function parameter instead of ProgressListener

  • contentType getter of ContentUpdater returns ContentType instead of int

  • getRoute method of MapViewRoutesCollection returns null for invald index

  • RouteBookmarks class moved to route_bookmarks.dart file. Added the new file to routing lib

  • TruckProfile and CarProfile extend MotorVehicleProfile


  • setPlaybackDataSource method of PositionService

  • create method of GuidedAddressSearchPreferences.

  • create method of PositionService

  • create method of TurnDetails


  • getNextSpeedLimitVariation method of NavigationInstruction

  • getLandmarks, getCategoryCount, getStoreIdAt and removeAllStoreCategories methods of LandmarkStore

  • getPartArea method and area getter of Marker

  • lowEndCPUOptimizations getter and setter of MapViewExtension

  • getCategory and hasCategories methods of OverlayInfo

  • getDistanceOnRoute method of RouteBase

  • captureImage method of GemView

  • customizeDefPositionTracker method of MapSceneObject

  • imageSize field of MarkerCollectionRenderSettings breaking alignment

[2.5.0] - 2024-09-26


  • importLog method of RecorderBookmarks

  • setParallelDownloadsLimit method of ContentStore

  • registerOnMapViewMoveStateChanged method of GemMapController

  • centerOnAreaRect method of GemView

  • registerLandmarkStore method of LandmarkStoreService

  • removeLandmarkStore method of LandmarkStoreService

  • updateLandmark method of LandmarkStore

  • clear method of MarkerCollection

  • delete method of MarkerCollection

  • getPointsGroupHComponents method of MarkerCollection

  • getPointsGroupHead method of MarkerCollection

  • indexOf method of MarkerCollection

  • getBetterRouteTimeDistanceToFork method of NavigationService

  • getNavigationInstruction method of NavigationService

  • getNavigationParameters method of NavigationService

  • getNavigationRoute method of NavigationService

  • isNavigationActive method of NavigationService

  • isSimulationActive method of NavigationService

  • isTripActive method of NavigationService

  • isTripActive method of NavigationService

  • simulationMaxSpeedMultiplier method of NavigationService

  • simulationMinSpeedMultiplier method of NavigationService

  • diskSpaceUsedPerSecond getter of Recorder

  • getAvailableDataTypes getter of Recorder

  • recorderConfiguration getter and setter of Recorder

  • status getter of Recorder

  • chunkDurationSeconds, continuousRecording, overrideOverheatCheck, maxDiskSpaceUsed, keepMinSeconds, deleteOlderThanKeepMin, transportMode fields of RecorderConfiguration

  • getTimeDistanceCoordinateOnRoute method of RouteBase

  • isCurrentThreadMainThread getter of SdkSettings

  • overload for == operator and hashCode method for BikeProfileElectricBikeProfile, BuildTerrainProfile, DepartureHeading, ElectricBikeProfile, EVProfile, CarProfile

  • EntranceLocations class

  • PTRoute class

  • PTRouteSegment class

  • PTRouteInstruction class

  • PTBuyTicketInformation class

  • PTAlert class

  • RouteTrafficEvent class


  • constructors of classes which should not be directly instantiated by the user are now private

  • classes consisting only of static methods are abstract (RouteBase, RoutingService, MapDetails, LandmarkStoreService, GuidedAddressSearchService, GenericCategories, SearchService, NavigationService)

  • all methods from NavigationService are static

  • getNextAddressDetailLevel method of GuidedAddressSearchService returns List<AddressDetailLevel> instead of List<int>

  • getStoreContentList method of ContentStore returns Pair<List<ContentStoreItem>, bool> instead of Pair<ContentStoreItemList, bool> and is now static

  • waypoints getter of RouteBase transformed to getWaypoints method and takes a parameter of type GetWaypointsOptions

  • startRecording and stopRecording methods of Recorder return GemError instead of int

  • exportLog method of RecorderBookmarks returns GemError instead of int

  • id getter from all enum extensions no longer return -1 on default case

  • fromId method of ContactInfoFieldTypeExtension no longer returns nullable ContactInfoFieldType, throwing exception on invalid input

  • isProtected and isUploaded members of LogMetadata are getters instead of methods

  • MarkerCollectionRenderSettings extends MarkerRenderSettings

  • TerrainProfile, ClimbSection, SurfaceSection, RoadTypeSection, SteepSection and related enums moved to a new file


  • create method from classes where it is not appropriate

  • empty classes (ClimbSectionList, RouteCollection, MapViewRouteCollection)

  • first and last values from ContentType enum


  • caching mechanism of Marker images

  • getId method of LandmarkCategory

  • route getter of LogMetadata

  • recorderConfiguration getter of Recorder

  • current getter of GenericIterator

  • buildTerrainProfile field of RoutePreferences returned by preferences getter of RouteBase incorrect value

[2.4.0] - 2024-09-04


  • addList method of MapViewMarkerCollections

  • devicePixelSize method of GemMapController

  • centerOnRoutePart method of MapView

  • LandmarkJson and MarkerJson for optimization

  • labels for Markers


  • MarkerSketches class and example


  • Moved some methods to safecall

  • Callback functions with multiple parameters now have named parameters

  • remove method of MapViewMarkerCollections renamed to removeAt


  • getRenderSettings method of MapViewRoutesCollection returns RouteRenderSettings with correct values previously set with setRenderSettings method

  • cursorSelectionMarkers method of GemView

  • searchInArea method of SearchService

  • getCoordinates method of Marker

  • labelTextSize and labelTextColor of MarkerRenderSettings

  • indexOf method of MapViewMarkerCollections

  • setRenderSettings method of MapViewMarkerCollections

  • contains method of MapViewMarkerCollections

  • isSketches method of MapViewMarkerCollections

  • removeAt method of MapViewPathCollection

  • zoom out effect when tapping fast on markers

[2.3.1] - 2024-08-09


  • More fields in RouteRenderSettings

  • NavigationStatus enum

  • Caching mechanism for images in SdkSettings class and getImageById method


  • Some fields in MarkerRenderSettings are no longer nullable

  • routes parameter of centerOnRoutes is named and nullable

  • navigationStatus method of NavigationInstruction class returns NavigationStatus

  • DataSource methods return GemError instead of int


  • setMapStyleByPath method of MapViewPreferences class

  • enableOverlay and disableOverlay methods of OverlayService class

  • centerOnRoutes method of MapView class

  • waypoints getters of RouteSegment and RouteBase classes

  • removeLandmarkStoreId method of LandmarkStoreCollection class

  • RouteRenderSettings constuctor

[2.3.0] - 2024-08-05


  • setMapStyle with binary data

  • removeAllLandmarks method of LandmarkStore class

  • ExternalInfo class

  • MapSceneObject class

  • addList method of MarkerSketches class

  • MarkerSketches example

  • enableTouchGestures method of MapViewPreferences class

  • More values to RoadModifier

  • RoadModifierExtension


  • return type of method hasChargeStop of EVRouteSegment class from int to bool

  • cursorSelectionOverlays method returns OverlayItem

  • OverlayService methods return GemError instead of int

  • LandmarkStoreCollection methods return GemError instead of int

  • MapViewMarkerCollections methods return GemError instead of int

  • FollowPositionPreferences methods return GemError instead of int

  • setImageFromIconId method to setImageFromIcon. GemIcon parameter instead of int

  • ContentStoreItemStatus.downloadWaitingNetwork ID to 5

  • DataType.gyroscope ID to 1024

  • PositionRoadModifier to RoadModifier

  • AnimationExtension to AnimationTypeExtension

  • FixQualityExtension to PositionQualityExtension

  • PositionRoadModifier to RoadModifier

  • EMarkerLabelingModeExtension to MarkerLabelingModeExtension

  • ERouteRenderOptionsExtension to RouteRenderOptionsExtension

  • GenericCategoriesIDsExtension to GenericCategoriesIdExtension

  • mapDetailsQuality getter of MapViewPreferences returns MapDetailsQualityLevel instead of int

  • More methods throws exception instead of String


  • getMapViewRoute, getLabel, setLabel methods of MapViewRoutesCollection class

  • add, update, addTrips, sortOrder methods of RouteBookmarks

  • fromJson method of EVProfile class

  • clear method of MapViewMarkerCollections class

  • timeStamp getter of Landmark class

  • releaseView Android native behaviour

  • setMapRotationMode IOS native behaviour

[2.2.0] - 2024-07-10


  • getRouteStatus and CalculationRunning methods of RoutingService class

  • getRoadInfoImage, getRoadInfo, hasRoadInfo, isExit and getExitDetails methods of Route Instruction class,

  • getExtraInfo, setExtraInfo, setRouteListener and getRouteListener methods of Route class

  • isCalculationRunning, getRouteStatus methods of RoutingService class

  • verifyAppAuthorization method of SDKSettings class


  • replaced Time object with DateTime dart object in following methods: get and set timeStamp for Landmark class, get timeStamp for Route object, get timeStamp for RoutingPreferences class


  • altitude field of GemPosition class

  • geographicArea method of Landmark class could cause app freeze

[2.1.0] - 2024-06-17


  • PositionService custom data source

  • uncategorizedLandmarkCategId and invalidLandmarkCategId constants

  • getLogMetadata method of RecorderBookmarks class and LogMetadata class

  • EVRoute methods

  • SearchPreferences overlays

  • SignpostItem class

  • getTimeDistanceCoordinates and getWaypointsVia methods of Route class

  • MapCamera methods

  • GeographicArea classes and methods

  • OverlayService class and getAvailableOverlays method

  • captureAsImage method of MapController class [iOS only]

  • getLatestOnlineMapVersion method of MapDetails class


  • selectMapObjects method has been replaced with setCursorScreenPosition

  • asyncGetContentStoreList and asyncDownload are now FFI methods

  • images default size and format can be set with setDefaultWidthHeightImageFormat of SdkSettings class

  • getAbstractGeometry method has a new parameter, AbstractGeometryRenderSettings

  • setCursorScreenPosition, skipAnimation, scroll, getHighlightArea and resetMapSelection methods of MapController class are now non-async

  • setLiveDataSource now returns GemError

  • segments getter of Route class returns List<RouteSegment> instead of RouteSegmentList

  • getPath method of Route class now retuns null path for invalid start and/or end instead of a Path with empty coordinates list

  • getTimeDistance now has a bool parameter activePart


  • cancelSearch issue which caused onCompletedCallback to not be called with GemError.canceled

  • polygonGeographicArea getter of Route class

  • getRealisticNextTurnImage method and getTurnImage of Route class

  • getCoordinatesAtPercent static method of Path class

  • trafficEvents method for Route

  • toEVRoute method of Route class

  • routeTrack getter of Route class

  • exportAs method of Path class

  • cloneReverse method of Path class

  • cloneStartEnd method of Path class

  • getWaypoints method of Path class

  • getElevationSamples method of RouteTerrainProfile class behavior when callind with countSamples = 1

  • SignPostDetails class getters

  • waypoints getter of RouteSegment class

  • abstractGeometry getter of TurnDetails class

  • containsLandmark method of LandmarkStore class

  • getCategoryById method of LandmarkStore class now returns null object for an invalid id

  • getLandmarks method of LandmarkStore class now returns all landmarks for an unspecified categoryId

  • getLandmarkStoreById method of ContentStoreService class now returns null object for an invalid id

  • Map widget issues on Android which caused map to overlap other UI elements when rotating the device or opening a webview page over the one with the map

  • isFollowingPosition getter of MapController class

  • accuracyCircleVisibility getter and setter of MapViewPreferences class

  • getFieldName, getFieldValue, getFieldType methods of ContanctInfo class when calling with an invalid index

  • getAllowOffboardServiceOnExtraChargedNetwork method of SdkSettings class

  • getContourGeographicArea method of Landmark class

  • extraInfo getter of Landmark class

[2.0.0] - 2024-05-22


  • releaseNative method

  • RouteRenderSettings optional parameter for add method of MapViewRouteCollection

  • Map creation parameters: initial coordinates, zoomLevel, area and appAuthorization

  • Marker class that allows drawing user defined polygons/polylines on the map

  • refreshContentStore method

  • getContentParameters method for ContentStoreItem


  • Imports

  • Replaced methods with get and set prefixes with Dart get and set

  • Renamed various members to match camelCase standard

  • Replaced create factory with default constructor for multiple classes

  • Multiple methods are now non-async

  • SDK initialization changed from GemKitPlatfor.instance.loadNative() to GemKit.initize()appAuthorization is now a paremeter of GemKit.initize()

  • setAllowConnection of SdkSettings has now callback parameters of OffboardListener instead of OffboardListener object

  • update method of ContentUpdater has now onStatusUpdated and onProgressUpdate parameters instead of ProgressListener

  • GemAnimation has now onCompleted parameter instead of ProgressListener

  • Replaced ProgressListener with TaskHandler

  • Replaced error type from int to GemError enum

  • Replaced Rgba with Color

  • Replaced width and height image parameters with Size

  • Replaced LandmarkList, RouteList, ContentStoreItemList, LandmarkCategoryList with Dart lists

  • Added named parameters for some methods

  • Renamed enums to match Dart standard


  • getImage, setImage, setExtraImage methods of Landmark

  • ContactInfo class

  • centerOnArea of GemMapController class

  • set and get language for SdkSettings

  • Check against null the MapView, when activity is paused / resumed

[1.9.0] - 2024-04-02


  • Address Search

  • Offboard Listener

  • Content Updater for ContentStore

  • dispatchonmainThread on safecallObject

  • canDoAutoUpdate flag for offboardlistener constructor

  • safe call for gem_path methods

  • compare operator in Version class

  • dispatchOnMainThread flag defaults true for clear method in Routingservice

  • AllStoreCategoriesList field in SearchPreferences

  • ExternalRendererMarkers

  • setMapLanguage method

  • setCameraFocus and getCameraFocus methods

  • getMapVersion method

  • getExtraImage method


  • Refactor - modified more methods to non async

  • Removed err == 0 check from onNotifyComplete method on Search results

  • setAllowAutoMapUpdate flag defaults to false

  • initSdk to initCoreSdk

  • dispatchOnMainThread to true for route removal and setImageFromIcon

  • NavigationProgressListener to ProgressListener in setNavigationRoadBlock

  • add method from LandmarkStoreCollection

  • Landmark and landmark store methods to safecall

  • setNavigationRoadBlock to static method

  • setImage method for landmark to safecall

  • The way images can be obtained


  • SetName method in Landmark

  • speed issue for position on Android

  • Version class

  • Map update/Resource update listener(Works on Android)

  • Version’s minor and major fields

  • ElectricBikeProfile

  • setBuildingVisibility method

  • addStoreCategoryList method

[1.8.0] - 2024-01-30


  • appDidEnterBackground, appDidBecomeActive methods

  • onAngleMapUpdate, alignNorthUp methods

  • cursorSelectionStreets, cursorSelectionOverlayItems methods

  • getImageById, getImageUId, getImage, getImageByBitmap methods

  • clearAllButMainRoute, centerOnMapRoutes method

  • hasCoordinates, hasSpeed methods

  • getNearestLocation method

  • arguments for asyncDownload method

  • addRoute method

  • getOsVersion

  • automatic destructor

  • OffscreenBitmap object

  • position listener methods non async

  • default values for RoutePreferences

  • GenericCategories and LandmarkListCategories classes

  • FollowPositionPreferences

  • [] operator to GemList

  • More methods in RouteBookmarks

  • routeRenderSettings parameter when adding a route to view

  • auto for AndroidViewMode

  • check for calling methods before the Native is loaded


  • Made LandmarkList iterable

  • Initialize the SDK earlier on Android

  • Modified cancelRoute and cancelNavigation to non async

  • Modified centerOnArea, setCoordinates, centerOnRoutes to non async

  • Modified removeLandmark to non async

  • Modified all LandmarkStore and LandamrkStoreCollection methods to non async

  • Created a base class for lists ( Iterable )

  • Made the getter for displayed routes non async

  • Modified getTurnInstruction non async

  • Made cancelSearch static

  • Modified ContentStoreItemList to use GemList


  • Activity lifecycle on Android

  • Real position issue

  • Path: clear and getArea issues

  • Blackscreen issue on Android 12

[Unreleased] - 2023-10-04


  • More parameters to route preferences

  • MinDuration parameter for Recorder

  • onRouteUpdated and onBetterRouteDetected methods

  • getAbstractGeometryUId method


  • Modified cancel search method to non async


  • cancelRoute issue

  • setLiveDataSource error throw

[1.5.6] - 2023-09-06


  • Content Store: Map Styles, Human Voices, Offline Maps

  • Weather Service: Current Forecast, Hourly Forecast, Daily Forecast

  • New map gesture: Long Press

  • Recorder: Record route, export as .GPX

  • SDK Settings: Unit System, Language, Set Navigation Voice, Allow Offboard Service on Charged Network

  • Map Details: Get Country Flag by ISO code

  • Map Styles: Apply Map Style, Get Current Map Style


  • SDK Settings methods are now static and non-async


  • Fixed an issue where screen rotate on Android would cause loss of connection to SDK

[1.5.2] - 2023-08-09


  • Draw route

  • Route preferences

  • Route profile sections: Surfaces, Road types, Climb

  • Route path

  • WGS to screen coordinates converter


  • Modified Landmark to use direct FFI calls for getters.

  • Bug fixing and improvements

[1.5.1] - 2023-08-01


  • Bug fixing and improvements

[1.5.0] - 2023-07-25


  • Distance between 2 coordinates

  • Image for landmarks

  • Landmark selection on map

  • SearchService: searchInArea & searchAroundPosition

  • Route segments & route instructions

  • MapViewRouteCollection methods

  • Center camera on routes

  • Abstract geometry image for navigation instructions

  • Navigation events callback: new instruction, waypoint reached & destination reached

  • Voice instructions with text-to-speech

  • Animations for center camera on coordinates & follow position

  • PositionService

  • Follow position enter/exit events

  • LandmarkStoreContent: custom stores

  • LandmarkStoreContent: add, remove & contains methods

[1.4.6] - 2023-07-22


  • Bug fixing and improvements

[1.4.5] - 2023-07-18


  • Bug fixing and improvements

[1.4.0] - 2023-07-13


  • Start navigation simulation on route

  • Cancel navigation

  • Start follow position (for simulation only)

  • Navigation instruction callback

  • Landmark image

  • Abstract geometry for navigation instructions

  • Route time and distance

[1.3.0] - 2023-07-07


  • Activate highlight

  • Deactivate highlight

  • Route calculation

  • Cancel route calculation

  • Center camera on route

[1.2.0] - 2023-07-05


  • ExtraInfo field containing result distance, type, native name and English name


  • Search working on Android and IOS

[1.1.0] - 2023-07-04


  • Bug fixing and improvements

[1.0.0] - 2023-06-30

Initial release